Hello, my name is Myriam Najjar and I would love to help you make sense of the changes you’re going through.
I am no stranger to transitions. My life has been a series of ‘transitions’, some minor, some big, some happy, others sad and difficult!
I had immigrated twice before reaching the age of 20, spent a few years going through an ugly civil war, but found a meaning to life by volunteering for the Red Cross. After a university degree I went on to build an amazing family and a successful corporate career.
You heard of the super woman syndrome, right? Well, I was a living example of that super woman for quite a long time. Then without any warning – actually as it turned out there were plenty of signs that I did not recognize back then– my body gave in, and I went through a few years of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS).
When I conquered my life back – against all medical odds – I decided to leave the corporate world and start my own business as an entrepreneur.
Becoming a Certified Coach was a natural next step for me. I am also trained in multiple energy techniques, from the emerging Energy Psychology field. One such technique, EFT or Emotional Freedom Technique lead to amazing results.
I leveraged the knowledge, concepts and tools I used as a PROSCI® Certified Change Manager for my corporate clients and incorporated them into my coaching practice.
Through my experience and that of my clients, I became fascinated by how we act and react to big changes in our lives. I realized that no matter the kind of transition and even when we’re eager and ready for the change, there are moments of confusion, doubt or fear that tint the experience. On the other hand, I know that it is often a question of perspective, options and choices. With the right perspective and attitude, one can reverse a limiting and disagreeable experience into one of anticipation, hope and sheer excitement.
Transition is a matter of choice!
My goal is to help my clients navigate big changes gracefully so they can balance feeling in control with going with the flow. My approach is uniquely effective because I use my knack for sparking creativity to empower my clients to see multiple options from a new perspective and find their path.
Now enough about me! I invite you to go to Success Stories and read what my clients are saying about the changes they experienced through personal coaching, group coaching and success workshops.
Do not forget to download your FREE Transition Assessment. It will help you figure out where you are and offers you strategies to take full control of your transition.
You can also check out my services including the latest program for women in transition Graceful Transition Program ™
To Your Continued Success,
Myriam Najjar, Transition Facilitator & Success Coach
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