It Was Something That Was Sincerely Outside of My Comfort Zone. I Have Never Even Considered Anything Like That Before in My Life. Myriam Showed Me That I Had the Decision Inside Me All Along and She Taught Me How To Listen To Myself.
A short while ago, I was presented with an opportunity for a major investment. It was something that was sincerely outside of my comfort zone. I have never even considered anything like that before in my life. Myriam and I spent a lot of time going over the pros and cons of the decision and finally I decided to go with it. She showed me that I had the decision inside me all along and she taught me HOW to listen to myself. She didn’t give me investment advice or her feelings on whether or not it would work out. Her techniques allowed me to remove the emotional aspect of making the decision and to listen to myself to determine if it was right for me. It was important for me to remember the wealth triangle: It has to be the right investment, in the right vehicle, and the right ME!
Thank you sincerely Myriam for helping me through that tough decision.
Jason Chechik
Co-owner & Technical Director of the Best Web Creation System
Your Group Coaching and One-on-One Coaching Allowed Me to Move Forward…And You Reminded Me of the Reasons WHY I Wanted to Make Important Choices In My Life.
Thank you Myriam very much for the time you dedicated to coaching me personally. You allowed me to define my objectives, make the right choices in both my personal and professional life. More importantly, you reminded me of the reasons WHY I wanted to make those important choices in my life. Your coaching also allowed me to take ownership of the choices I make and to move forward.
To all those who need a guide to reach their goals and remember WHY they want to do it, I can attest that you are the perfect coach.
* Translated from original french testimonial.
Ton Coaching – personnel et de groupe – m’a permis d’aller de l’avant.
Merci beaucoup Myriam pour le temps que tu m’as consacré en coaching. Tu m’as aidée à définir mes objectifs, à faire les bons choix dans ma vie personnelle et professionnelle et surtout à me rappeler des raisons pour lesquelles je voulais faire ces changements important dans ma vie. Ton coaching m’a aussi permis d’être responsable des choix que j’ai fait et d’aller de l’avant.
A tous ceux qui ont besoin d’un guide pour atteindre leurs objectifs et se rappeler des raisons pour lesquelles ils le font, je peux témoigner que tu es la coach parfaite.Christine Koral
Courtier immobilier hypothécaire
En partenariat avec Les Architectes Hypothécaires
My Experience in Myriam’s Group Coaching Was An Experience of Gratitude, Clarity and Power! She Delivers Really Well, Knowing What She is Talking About and Mastering the Subject!
My experience with Myriam in her group coaching program has been an experience of Gratitude, Clarity, and Power!
In the module called ” Receive with Grace” she shows how easily we can use 3 tools to learn to let go, forgive and receive what we most want and deserve.
Simple yet powerful techniques unblocked me from an old issue I thought was resolved.
After one hour I committed to start journaling to manifest more of this beautiful and unique experience.
The examples, metaphors and exercises flow easily and Myriam delivers really well, knowing what she is talking about and mastering the subject!
Bravo and Thank you Myriam!Patricia Gozlan
Life and Business Coach- Milan Italy
The prosperity Zone
As a Personal Coach, I Found Myriam to Be an Absolutely Excellent Accountability Partner. I Recommend Her as a Coach, Teacher and Mentor.
As Myriam’s coaching client, I have found her to be an absolutely excellent accountability partner. She listens well, is highly supportive, stays close to my goals, and always asks questions that help me grow. I am so grateful to have her by my side as I move into the next phase of my professional life. I most definitely recommend her as a coach, teacher and mentor.
Hired Myriam as a Career Coach in 2009.
Top qualities: Personable, Expert, High Integrity
Prior to Taking This Workshop, All My Goals, Tasks and Dates I Needed To Remember Would Be Written on Post-it Notes Everywhere. Since Using Your Method… It Freed-up So Much Time For Me to Focus on Actually Attaining My Goals… I Get Things Done Faster, Accomplish More and With Clear Thinking.
Thank you Myriam for giving such an Amazing workshop tonight! I loved it all and it was exactly what I needed…Really! I have been asking the Universe to show me how to better organize my time!
And like magic ”there you were”!
Prior to taking this workshop, all of my goals, tasks or dates I needed to remember, would be written on post-it notes everywhere or on whatever paper was handy. I actually had 3 to-do lists at the same time! Since using your method I work with only two lists; one for my long term goals and another for the shorter ones. No longer do I spend time re-copying over and over my lists! This alone has freed-up so much time for me to focus on actually attaining my goals. And because my short-term tasks are much more visible with this system, I get things done faster, accomplish more, and with clear thinking. Since using your methods I have more free time to do the things that I love. My goals are much more attainable and my tasks are so much more manageable. I am much more in control and better organized in both my personal life and business. I would highly recommend this course to anyone who wants to work smarter and successfully achieve their goals.
Once again, Thank you for sharing your expertise, knowledge and tools with us. Looking forward to your next one!
Anna Gioia, Montreal, Qc
*Heal Your Life® Licensed Teacher/ Workshop Leader
*Empowering Life Coach
*Therapeutic Touch Practitioner II
“Step into your Greatness” ♥
Your Workshop: a Pure Joy! It Surpassed My Expectations.
Myriam, thank you so much for that wonderful ‘gift’. Your full-day workshop ‘Manifesting with Ease and Joy’ was a pure joy and it surpassed my expectations. You are interesting, dynamic, passionate and attentive to your ‘students’. You gave so much compassion and unconditional love, and I felt you really wanted to help. I am eager to sign up to the upcoming workshop on ‘Achieving your goals’. Thank you again and I will continue to recommend you to everyone I know.
Josée Laforest
On Group Coaching: Myriam is An Excellent Facilitator and Coach. I’ve Seen Tangible Results in My Sales and In My Business.
Myriam is an excellent facilitator / coach. She keeps things on track and she keeps things moving. Since joining her Business Coaching Group I have seen tangible results in my sales and in my business. The members of the group support each other and learn from each other, with Myriam expertly guiding the whole process. Before joining this Business Co-Creative Coaching Group we were all individual sales consultants working on our own. NOW? We feel part of a team while keeping focus on our individual goals! Vive la difference!
Joe Miller
The Computer Whisperer,
Rehabilitating Computers, Training Users
Initially I Was Skeptical About The Merits of Group Coaching… I Can Unequivocally Say That I Am Much More Cognizant of the Impediments That Kept Me from Optimizing My Productivity And Have Instituted Specific Action Plans that Have Enabled Me to Become More Efficient on a Daily Basis.
I would like to thank you immensely for inviting and encouraging me to participate in a ” Co Creative” group session. I must admit that initially I was skeptical about the merit of such an activity. Upon completing the six month program, I can unequivocally say that I am much more cognizant of the impediments that kept me from optimizing my productivity and have instituted specific action plans that have enabled me to become more efficient on a daily basis. Thank you for providing a forum where we are able to exchange ideas amongst like minded professionals.
Continued success!
Gary Da Ponte
Dealing Representative of Exempt Market Securities
Through Group Coaching, Myriam Helped Us Keep Our Focus On Objecives and Find Ways to Reach Them.
Myriam helped me, through group coaching, to work with a team of other solo-preneurs of our service-based company. She helped us keep our focus on objectives and find ways to reach them.
Thank you Myriam.
A travers son coaching de groupe, Myriam nous a aidé à se donner des objectifs et trouver des moyens pour les atteindre.
Myriam m’a aidé, à travers son coaching de groupe, à travailler en équipe avec les autres travailleurs autonomes de notre compagnie. Elle nous a aussi aidé à se donner des objectifs et à trouver des moyens pour les atteindre. Merci Myriam.
Ghislain Larochelle
Coach, conseils immobiliers
Myriam Has This Ability to Build on One’s Strengths, Help Us Focus and Believe in Our Inner Potential. I Highly Recommend Her to Anyone Who Feels Stuck and Needs That Extra Nudge to Go to Their Full Potential.
As a successful businesswoman, I have been making presentations to executives and business audiences for quite some time. When I was offered to speak in a multi-speakers event, I felt a lot of pressure to perform and match with the other invited great speakers. Myriam coached me through the process and helped me realize that I did not have to compete on any level nor change the way I was presenting. She made me understand that speaking from the heart was my biggest asset as it had always been my ‘winning formula’. She reminded me to concentrate on my audience, connect with them and stay true to myself.
The next day, I went out there and I swept my audiences by being authentic. I was amazed to realize that it was not as much about the performance but rather about the ‘caring’ that I always carried within me. This experience was uplifting and I am grateful to Myriam for coaching me through the process and making it seem so easy. She has this ability to build on one’s strengths, help us focus and believe in our inner potential. I highly recommend her to anyone who feels stuck and needs that extra nudge to go to their full potential.
Elsebeth Hansson
CBI Representative, Real Estate Investments
I had the honor to meet Myriam at a seminar and she became my personal coach. Our sessions were very helpful to me, as they allowed me to clarify my objectives and goals and to set up a structured action plan in order to reach them. I finally discovered the business area that interests me most and suits my needs: 1) working from home via the web, making me independent and allowing me to work from anywhere in the world without having to commute; 2) No need for me to meet people and sell them anything they don’t want; 3) Get the money to work FOR me instead of me working for money and 4) Get high returns on other people’s money in a win-win scenario. My choices and motivations were the fruit of multiple previous readings but they were cemented by the reflection I made during my coaching sessions. Thank you Myriam for your very precious help during the summer and fall.
Charles Martel, Anjou, Qc
Businessman and Investor
J’ai eu la grande chance de rencontrer Myriam à une session de formation et elle est devenue mon coach personnel. Nos sessions ont été fort instructives pour moi, m’aidant à clarifier mes buts et objectifs et à établir une démarche structurée pour m’aider à les atteindre. J’ai enfin trouvé le domaine qui m’intéresse: 1) un travail à domicile, via le web-indépendance, pas de déplacement, peut être fait de n’importe où dans le monde; 2) pas besoin de rencontrer des gens pour leur vendre quelque chose; 3) faire travailler l’argent POUR moi, au lieu de travailler pour l’argent; 4) faire travailler l’argent des autres avec un effet multiplicateur, pour que tout le monde y gagne. Mon choix et mes motivations ont été basés sur mes lectures antérieures et cimentés par la réflexion faite au cours des séances de coaching. Merci Myriam pour ta précieuse aide au cours de l’été et de l’automne.
Charles Martel, Anjou, Qc
Homme d’affaire et investisseur autonome
I was able to get favourable results in my career.
I had the opportunity to have a coaching session with Myriam and I can assure you that it was a very rewarding experience. Not only was she totally listening to my needs but she provided valuable advice. Consequently, I was able to get favourable results in my career. No one can doubt of her commitment and her positive on-look is contagious.Ses conseils m’ont permis d’obtenir des résultats favorables à ma carrière.
J’ai eu la chance d’avoir une séance de coaching avec Myriam et je peux vous assurer que ce fût une expérience des plus enrichissantes. Non seulement, elle a été à mon écoute mais elle m’a de plus prodigué de précieux conseils. Ses conseils m’ont permis d’obtenir des résultats favorables à ma carrière. Nul ne peut douter de son implication et son positivisme est contagieux.
Cherine Bashatly
Commission scolaire Marguerite-Bourgeoys
For many years, a recurring dream has disturbed my sleep... I truly believe that the session with Myriam caused a major spring cleaning within! … After the session, though I did not feel any physical change, I felt lighter and happier. And my subconscious has definitely made a huge shift and this knowledge gives me an incredible emotional comfort. Thank you, Myriam.
Pendant de nombreuses années, un rêve récurrent a troublé mon sommeil… je suis convaincue que la session avec Myriam a provoqué un grand ménage intérieur! Sur le coup, je n’ai rien ressenti physiquement, juste un sentiment de légèreté et de bien-être, mais mon inconscient, lui, le sait et il en est guéri. Et cela me procure un confort émotif incroyable.
Merci MyriamMe Roseline Poulin, Notaire
I introduced Myriam to a group of entrepreneurial women to inspire and help them identify their goal… We got a lot of great information, inspiration and it made us think of our business in a different positive way, and we will adopt her techniques to do so.
Myriam is a woman of wisdom! She has a lot of knowledge and expertise in business and in life in general. She is a great listener and she demonstrated a passionate interest in helping others by sharing her experiences and her knowledge. The workshop was 45 minutes long, but we got a lot of great information, inspiration and it made us think of our business in a different positive way, and we will adopt her techniques to do so.
I recommend to everyone to sit with Myriam and get to know her in person so she can help you achieve your goals, be happier and successful in life! Thank you Myriam for a great evening, and for inspiring us all. Looking forward to have you back in the nearest future.
Aviva Weiss
Marketing Executive
As a Guest Speaker at an Event Attended by Professional Women, Myriam Presented a Clear Step-by-Step Process That Empowers Women to Pursue and Fulfill Their Objectives. It Was a Highly Energized and Energizing Conference.
Myriam Najjar was the guest speaker at the 20th Forum for Professional Women of Entraide Bois-de-Boulogne, an event attended by more than 50 professional women. Myriam presented a clear step-by-step process that empowers women to pursue and fulfill their objectives.
The proposed approach will help women to overcome stressful situations by improving their management of time and energy. She demonstrated how beliefs and perceptions could be properly channeled, how to develop energy strategies that sustain us in the face of challenges and how to take care of physical, mental, emotional as well as spiritual energy and well-being.
Thank you Myriam for this highly energized and energizing conference, appreciated by all our members.
Claudie Ayas
Entraide Bois de Boulogne
Conférence dynamique, énergisante, utile au quotidien et animée par une conférencière inspirante.
Bonjour Myriam, Je tenais à te donner du feedback sur la conférence «Êtes-vous en panne d’énergie?» que tu as donnée à la conférence IIBA-Montréal du 8 mai et que j’ai beaucoup appréciée. Étant la dernière conférencière de la journée, tu as su garder l’attention des gens par ta présentation dynamique et en les faisant participer.
J’ai grandement apprécié les petits trucs pratiques que nous pouvons appliquer au travail pour une meilleure gestion de notre temps et de notre énergie et le petit exercice qui nous permet de nous remettre en question par rapport à nos priorités dans notre vie.
En quelques mots je décrirais cette conférence comme dynamique, énergisante, utile au quotidien et animée par une conférencière inspirante.
Merci et bonne continuité.Chantal Sicard
Chef d’équipe principal, TI Développement systèmes
In this Full-day Workshop, the Exercises Lead Me to Dream ‘BIGGER’ and Create Goals for Myself Which I Can Truly Believe In and Believe That I Can Achieve.
I attended the full-day workshop ‘Manifest with Ease and Joy’ and Myriam facilitated this workshop with joy, transparency and confidence. She was very inspiring and the workshop surpassed my expectations. The exercises lead me to dream ‘bigger’ and create goals for myself, which I can truly believe in and believe that I can achieve. My heartfelt thanks!Joan Backus
Myriam a une expérience professionnelle et une sagesse de vie qui sont, visiblement, bien intégrés. De plus, sa clarté, son jugement, sa gentillesse, son humour et surtout son écoute, qualité essentielle dans ce domaine, lui donne les outils nécessaires pour agir efficacement en tant que coach. Je la recommande fortement!
Viviane Andraos
Consultante en communications
Myriam, you were fully present and listening. You brought to my attention, many things to be done on my action plan, in order to accomplish my long-life dream. At the end of our session, I felt even more motivated and ready to go.
I recommend coaching to anyone who wants to accomplish a dream but doesn’t know where to start, feels stuck or afraid. A coach, such as Myriam, could help you focus on your dreams, face your fears, guide you to prepare an action plan, one step at a time to get you beyond your comfort zone.
Thank you for contributing this article to the Ex-Nortel newsletter. I found your article very helpful because I constantly struggle with negativity …. not only internally but from others around me. … My job search has been hard work and I definitely was not enjoying it at all. Well, now I am still not enjoying it but thanks to your comments “Make sure you celebrate the small steps you do each day, give thanks and enjoy!”, I have put forth efforts to make it a more enjoyable journey as you put it. Thank you again!C.K.
J’ai eu le privilège d’avoir une séance de coaching avec Myriam. Grâce à son écoute attentive et sa générosité, elle m’a aidé à mettre sur pied un plan d’action pour me permettre de mieux diriger mes pensées et mon énergie. Grâce à elle, la gratitude fait maintenant partie de mon quotidien et cet état d’esprit à carrément modifié toute ma perspective face aux évènements.
Cette séance m’a permis d’envisager tout ce que le coaching peut m’apporter dans ma vie. Myriam a pris le temps de savoir ce qui était ma priorité et tout son temps a ensuite été consacré au problème que j’ai ciblé. Ce fut un moment formidable! Je suis ressortie de cette séance pleine de confiance et d’outils qui m’aideront à cheminer et à me réaliser.