If you are in business, whether selling products or providing services, look back into your business past and try to figure out how you behaved regarding marketing. Marketing of the business often suffers or takes the back seat in favour of urgent problems and crisis. Marketing may also be neglected when business is slow, sales are low and stress is high. Like many small business owners, you may shrug to the idea of investing in marketing in such times. But this attitude is counter-productive to the growth of the business.
It is actually in such times that it is good to remember that your main business is ‘marketing the business’. I learned a few good tricks on marketing from top marketing and personal development guru T.Harv Ecker, whom you see in the picture in his last seminar in Montreal.
Similarly, it is when you think you can’t afford it that you should seek coaching. Coaching is not an expense, it is the ultimate investment in oneself. It is the perfect testimony that YOU deserve the best support you can get. It is only when YOU personally thrive that your whole environment will prosper and thrive: your business, your relationships, your personal life and your passion.
If you’re at a point in your life where you feel the weight of hard work, long hours spent working in the business (instead of on the business) then it might be time for you to take a step back, re-assess your resources, re-define your goals and re-plan for success.
It may be counter-intuitive to you to seek coaching when things are not going well but this is exactly the perfect time for it. Professional players and athletes understand this concept very well: they’ll hire a coach to improve their game, fully develop their potential and stay focused on their goals.
This is the time when you, as a business owner, need to have a partner, someone who can help you see through the maze, get a new perspective, review your options, reprioritize and focus!
This is what coaching is all about: a “zooming tool” that will allow you to zoom in and focus on your success!